Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Right now, smartphone addiction is out of control. Things have reached such a point that the average American checks his phone 352 times a day—once every two minutes and 43 seconds. But right now, a restaurant in Italy—and free wine—is doing what many thought impossible: It is separating people from their phones. Order Today: Return … Read more

Repeat After Me: Algorithms Are Not Humans

Repeat After Me: Algorithms Are Not Humans

Everyone says artificial intelligence (AI) represents the wave of the future. AI involves the simulation of intelligent human behavior in computers. It uses algorithm-driven programming that allows the computer to explore and adjust to all possible choices and select the ideal outcome. Tech enthusiasts claim computers can approximate or even exceed human action. Nowhere is … Read more

Smartphones: The New Dictators of the 21st Century?

Smartphones: The New Dictators of the 21st Century?

In today’s modern world, technology has made many advancements, the most notable and groundbreaking of these being the invention of the smartphone. These devices have influenced the technological and social spheres in a way not seen in history. However, some people are starting to question this influence and seek means to avoid their dependency on … Read more

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

As any honest teacher will tell you, learning is difficult. However, teachers may only admit this truth when no one else is around. Such disclosures clash with the prevailing educational orthodoxy. In addition, learning difficulties are likely to be blamed on teachers, who thus make themselves targets. Therefore, making it easy to learn is a … Read more

Three Reasons Why Internet Detox Books Leave Us Frustrated

Technology’s invasion into our daily lives has unleashed a vast array of books and literature that tell us how to keep our gadgets from dominating us. Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life by Nir Eyal is one such book.  It explores the psychological foundations for distractions and suggests techniques that help … Read more

Is There Still a Place in the Family for the Lost Art of Storytelling?

One major challenge of the post-modern family is to compete with technology for entertainment during family gatherings. We commonly see family and friends glued to their electronic devices.  Psychologists have even come up with a term to label the practice. It is called this phubbing or phone snubbing. It means to snub others next to … Read more

A Fake Robot Baby for Lonely People

Technology has undeniably made communication more accessible than ever before. With a few keystrokes, one can message people in Timbuktu from the safety of one’s room. Despite this facility to connect, people are lonelier than ever. Nearly eight percent of the American population, for example, is diagnosed with clinical depression. Thus, suicides, particularly among young … Read more

Is “Zombie Eating” The Death of Fine Dining?

Eighty-eight percent of Americans are zombie eaters, according to a survey commissioned by Snyder Lance, the manufacturers of “Pretzel Crisps.” Zombie eating means eating while staring at a screen. We find zombie eaters everywhere. Few restaurants are without groups or families, in which each person is staring at a smartphone screen. There is something pitiful … Read more

Is Digital Technology Helping or Harming?

Is Digital Technology Helping or Harming?

Can digital technology change the way we think? Can it influence our moral judgments? These questions have ignited a great debate about the proper use of technology in our lives. Many are now pointing out some of the negative effects that have emerged as usage becomes universal. American author Nicholas Carr posits that the effect … Read more