Courage and Cheer at 3,118 Traditional Marriage Rosary Rallies Across America

courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-12It’s an exciting moment here at Return to Order, as the first reports from rally captains from Saturday’s March 23rd, Traditional Marriage Rosary Rallies across America start to arrive by email and other social media.

The size of rallies varied from 10 people in some towns, to 35 or more in larger cities. It was cold and windy in some cities, while it was calm and sunny in other.courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-1

But at all of the rallies, the general spirit of the attendees was cheerful and upbeat, with lots of holy enthusiasm. Many rallies started with the Angelus at noon, and then proceeded with the Holy Rosary, praying for the conversion of America, for the Catholic Church and making an act of reparation for the sins committed against holy matrimony.

The responses from the public were overwhelmingly positive with many honks of approval. Here and there, captains reported on some negative responses. But most reports indicate cheerful reactions from passersby, many giving the “thumbs up,” including lots of young couples. There were even shouts of enthusiasm and great joy at seeing our God’s marriage banners. One could just sense a general and pervasive sense of happiness from people at seeing sanity about God’s marriage in the public square, which is so rare today.courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-11

Rally captains mentioned that their rally attendees expressed courage in openly and peacefully facing the Homosexual and Transgender Revolution, denying the insanity and lies it promotes. One rally participant said it in these words: “People at the rally were super enthused…participants and public passing by. I also saw one man who honked, waved and made the sign if the Cross as he drove by. I thought we got a good number of honks from the cars driving by. Rally attendees stayed on and talked for a long time once we finished the rally. One attendee wants to do a Traditional Marriage rosary every week over the bridges and overpasses.”

One also sensed that our rallies brought hope to many souls who are remorselessly targeted by homosexual propaganda and the liberal media, which denies right reason and natural marriage.courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-2

The reports from rally captains all point to the fact that attendees were happy to be at the rally, expressing their spirit in the words “serenity” and “peace” and “we need to do this more often.” The rally captains themselves were the most enthused and eager of all. There are few events that bring such inner peace and cheer as standing up for marriage in the public square and making reparation for the many sins and blasphemies committed against natural marriage, and against Our Lord and Our Lady.courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-16

Return to Order along with TFP-America Needs Fatima was thrilled to organize and sponsor these 3,118 St. Joseph Traditional Marriages Rallies on March 23, and plans to do so on a larger scale next year!courage-cheer-3118-traditional-marriage-rosary-rallies-across-america-4

Enlist in the 2019 Rosary Crusade: CLICK HERE!

