Every year, many ladies look forward to Lady Day on March 8. It is a way to fight the lies of the feminist-inspired International Women’s Day. A quick search on the event’s website reveals its not-so-hidden agenda, under the name of “Women’s Empowerment.” This is just another way of saying abortion, egalitarianism, LGBTQ agendas, everything godless and anti-true Christian femininity. Indeed, whatever is true, good, and beautiful is a target of the feminist attack.
This year’s Lady Day was extra special: After a year of so many uncertainties, confusion and pain, it was important to find a way to bring a visible glimmer of hope to a shaken world. What better way to do this than invite a group of ladies dressed up in a most feminine and beautiful, godly manner? This representation of stability is so contrary to the shifting norms in today’s society.
Lady Day in Ocala, Florida
Some forty ladies in Ocala, Florida, started March 8 by giving glory to God at Holy Mass at 7 a. m.
After Mass, they visited the Ocala Center of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), where Norman Fulkerson, a veteran TFP member, hosted the ladies to a special program.
The ambiance was beautifully decorated for the occasion. A marvelous medieval painting of Our Lady stood on a golden tripod at the main entrance. The tables were masterfully set with fine china, silverware, crystal glasses and a variety of elegant and unique tea sets in each place setting.
The lit candles, floral centerpieces, string pearls, and rose-shaped linen napkins inside each teacup created a marvelous ambiance that sparkled throughout the room. While classical music played in the background, a group of young, handsome gentlemen dressed in suits and ties (and all under the age of eleven) stood ready to serve under the guidance of Domenick Galatolo Sr. For some ladies, it was their first Lady Day event, and this setting surpassed their expectations.

After a short greeting period, Mr. Fulkerson led the forty participants in prayer to begin the day’s program, and everyone took their seats. The ladies had a beautiful display of a variety of teas and tea brunch hors d’oeuvre. A Miraculous Medal was tactfully hidden in one of the napkins. The lucky lady who found the medal received a prize: a beautiful teacup to bring home with her.
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Mr. Fulkerson gave a presentation on the heroic act of Jaime Schmidt, a heroic Catholic mother from Missouri. While shopping at a Catholic religious goods store for her rosary making apostolate, she was confronted by an evil man who tried to assault her sexually. After first assaulting two other women present, he turned to Jaime. She was now in the situation of complying or risking being killed by the gun pointed inches from her face. Nevertheless, her unshaken response was: “For the love of God I will not.” She was shot. As she was giving her last breaths, witnesses heard her murmuring Hail Marys. She was a faithful wife and a mother of three, giving her life on November 19, 2018. Her story moved the attentive listeners, who were touched by Jaime’s heroic fidelity.
After this inspiring life, participants prayed a rosary. All then went to give public witness of the true feminine ideal while visiting local antique shops. As the group traveled from store to store, the other shoppers and store employees could not resist asking about the occasion of so many lovely-dressed ladies shopping together. It was an opportunity to offer to explain Lady Day and its mission. Many complimented the group for its dignity and beauty.

Afterward, participants went to a local Italian restaurant for an early dinner. The ladies enjoyed a room that displayed a grand painting of the Duomo Cathedral in Milan. To give the complete Italian ambiance, a gentleman sang various traditional Italian songs to enliven the atmosphere. He happened to be a Catholic gentleman many recognized at daily Mass. He seemed delighted to see the group.
Customers observed the group, and a few asked if this was the celebration of a special birthday. After a short explanation of Lady Day, many displayed enthusiasm for the idea and gratitude.
The dinner ended with a crowning highlight: participants honored Our Lady by singing the Salve Regina to thank her for granting such a lovely day filled with so many graces.
As all stood to sing, the ladies noticed that the live music had stopped. The singer walked over to the room to listen. Two waiters paused from their duties. The manager walked over from the bar. With a smile on his face, he stood for a moment in awe. One waiter stopped working on the computer. Turning around, he said, “That is so beautiful.” It was quite a scene.
May Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus be consoled even if just a little by this small witness of hope. Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton, pray for us. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.