In December, America Needs Fatima held over 1,300 public square rosary rallies asking to keep Christ in Christmas. The December Christmas Public Square Rosary Rallies remind the public that Christ is the reason for Christmas. One key intention is to ask the Infant Jesus to bring His peace into our chaotic society. Rally captains from all over the country have reported on the resounding success of their rallies.

The rallies were spread throughout the country from north to south, from east to west. Rally captains report that the public enthusiastically received the message of peace and joy with honks and shouts of encouragement.

The rally captains led their prayer warriors in sub-zero temperatures in places like Minnesota or public squares in milder Southern climates. They all experienced the joy of praying in public to bring Christ back to Christmas.

“We had 14 faithful participating, in spite of four inches of fresh snow and a cold wind,” reported Larry in Sioux City, Iowa. “The sun was setting as people were streaming in for Mass. Had the weather been more favorable, I believe we would have had many more. Following the Mass, our parish had a live Nativity with animals. People could drive through the parking lot to see or stop and enjoy hot cocoa and cookies.”
As America suffers from moral decay, the Faithful need to gather under the protective mantle of Our Lady with her rosary to proclaim the Faith in the public square and bring America back to God.
“I signed up to do a Rosary Rally to keep Christ in Christmas and, when the banner came, it increased my desire to do it!” wrote Margie in Edinburg, Texas. “Enclosed are photos from our December Rally. Although it was moderately drizzling, we were so full of joy because we know we are doing it for Jesus Christ! This is the least we can do, pray the Holy Rosary to ask our Blessed Mother Mary to change people’s hearts so that we may obtain mercy from God… We received plenty of thumbs up and honks. I pray for more Rosary rallies to remind, inspire, bring hope and encourage people to pray many rosaries each day. May God, Jesus and our Blessed Mary keep us all safe.”
Each rally featured a large banner with the words, “Praying the Rosary to Keep Christ in Christmas. Merry Christmas!” This message made the purpose of the rally very clear to passersby.

No one knows how many souls are touched by these rallies for Our Lady. By choosing places with high visibility in the public square, the exposure to the Faith is multiplied. At some intersections, thousands of cars pass by.
The monthly rallies feature themes like the Christmas Rosary Rally or January’s Pro-Life Rosary Rally. The special intentions connect the nation’s problems and the need for God’s Grace. The media may not see the rallies, but Our Lady does.

“We are sending the pictures taken of the Rosary Rally in Zion, Illinois,” writes Marco. “People approached us asking questions, which gave us much happiness to answer their questions through the light of our Mother Virgin Mary’s message.”

Over the years, the Public Square Rosary Campaign has been responsible for millions of rosaries prayed at tens of thousands of locations across America. It is a project of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign.
The project’s main October rally to pray for America is usually held at nearly 20,000 locations annually. Additional monthly rallies pray for specific needs of the nation. After the Keep Christ in Christmas, a Defend Life Rally will be held on January 22 to protest the innocent babies killed in the womb through abortion.
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Many captains hold multiple rallies over the year. “My husband and I just had a nice Rosary rally with the Keep Christ in Christmas message and we plan to have the Pro-Life one also,” writes Monica in Montgomery, Alabama.
“The aim is to keep Fatima before the public every month,” says American Needs Fatima director Robert E. Ritchie. “Human solutions are not enough. We need supernatural aid from Our Lady.”
If you would like to be a Rosary Rally Captain for babies and life, please click here. The horrors of abortion are incalculable. We must offer reparation for the sin of abortion that has been legal in our country for almost 50 years. Our presence in the public square is needed now more than ever. If out of love for the Holy Family, you agree to enlist as a rally captain for the January 22 Pro-Life Rosary Rally, then please sign up on our website.
Sign up to be a “Pro-Life” Rosary Rally Captain on January 22