The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) denounces and categorically condemns President Vladimir Putin’s unjust war against Ukraine and urges the Russian Federation to immediately return its troops to their barracks and indemnify the Ukrainian people for their losses.
The American TFP commends President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people for their noble and heroic resistance in defense of their homeland.
The American TFP calls on President Joseph Biden and political leaders worldwide to forcefully punish Russia for its unjust war and immediately and powerfully assist Ukraine militarily and economically, bringing the unjustifiable invasion to a quick end.
The obligation for America and the world to help Ukraine and punish the Russian Federation for its unjust war does not stem only from treaties and other international agreements. Rather, it comes from natural law and the virtues of justice and charity, which everyone—including nations—is duty-bound always and everywhere to uphold in the measure possible.
In the wake of the Second World War, Pope Pius XII reminded nations of this serious duty:
One thing is certain: the precept of peace is of divine right. Its purpose is the protection of the goods of humanity, as goods of the Creator. Some of these goods are so crucial for human coexistence that their defense against unjust aggression is undoubtedly fully legitimate. The solidarity of nations is required in this defense. They have a duty not to leave the attacked people abandoned. The certainty that this duty will be fulfilled will serve to discourage the aggressor and, therefore, to avoid war, or at least, in the worst-case scenario, to shorten the suffering. (Pius XII, “Christmas Radio Message,” Dec. 24, 1948. Our emphasis.)
Ukraine had the right to free itself from Communism in 1991. Ukraine has the right to remain free today, refusing to be enslaved by Putin’s post-Communist, cosmist and pan-Slavic nationalism.
It seems that beyond conquering Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s strategic goal in this unjust war is to destroy the Christian West’s hegemony. From this perspective, American inaction only plays into the tyrant’s hands, while upholding justice by succoring the innocent victim of this immoral aggression will attract God’s mercy on our sinful nation.
Accordingly, the American TFP denounces the wrongheaded isolationism and self-deception of untold American conservatives who excuse Putin’s indefensible authoritarianism because they choose to see in this former KGB colonel a new Charlemagne or Constantine with a mission from God to restore Christendom.
The American TFP calls on Pope Francis to denounce Russia’s unjust war taking advantage of this historical moment to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world, in the exact terms requested by the Mother of God in Fatima, in 1917.
Further, and as requested by Our Lady on that occasion, the American TFP calls on all American Catholics to pray the Rosary daily—imploring God to intervene, giving Ukraine victory in this unjust war, and that Russia finally convert from its errors.
Lastly, the American TFP beseeches Our Lady of Zarvanytsia to protect and intercede for Ukraine’s valorous Catholics and bring all Ukrainians into the fold of the one true church of her Divine Son—the Holy, Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church—as ardently desired by Saint Olga of Kiev, her grandson Saint Vladimir the Great, Saint Josaphat the Martyr, and the millions of victims of Soviet Communist persecution, including Blessed Klymentiy Sheptytsky.
February 27, 2022
The American TFP