Why China’s Pursuit of World Leadership Will be a Disaster if it Succeeds

Why China’s Pursuit of World Leadership Will be a Disaster if it Succeeds

China’s rapid rise to global prominence, both economically and politically, has rightly raised concerns in the international community. President Xi Jinping’s desire for greater influence and world leadership is manifested through aggressive expansion of its military power, increasing economic ties and loan packages and an assertive diplomatic offensive meant to overshadow America and the West. … Read more

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Invited by the political left and LGBT associations, Mariela Castro Espín arrived in Italy for a speaking tour that started in Milan and Genoa and continued to other major cities. Castro Espín spoke about human rights in Cuba. Her presence among us raised a wave of criticism, even in Rome’s Montecitorio Palace, where the Chamber … Read more

Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Last November, Pope Francis gave the Jesuits of left-leaning America magazine an extensive and exclusive interview on “a wide range of topics . . . including polarization in the U.S. church, racism, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China and church teaching on the ordination of women.”1 “I Am a Communist, and So … Read more

America Should Uphold Justice and Help Ukraine Against Putin’s ‘Unjust War’

America Should Uphold Justice and Help Ukraine Against Putin’s Unjust War

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) denounces and categorically condemns President Vladimir Putin’s unjust war against Ukraine and urges the Russian Federation to immediately return its troops to their barracks and indemnify the Ukrainian people for their losses. The American TFP commends President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people … Read more

When Will Our Eyes Finally Open Regarding Cuba?

When Will Our Eyes Finally Open Regarding Cuba?

Is the term “reactionary” flattering or pejorative? Some progressive readers will answer that, of course, it is pejorative! I think this is a simplistic way to answer. A reactionary is someone who reacts. What would the world be like if no one reacted against error, evil, ignorance, poverty, disease, etc.? There are good and necessary … Read more

President Biden: End Cuba’s Communist Regime Once and for All

President Biden: End Cuba’s Communist Regime Once and for All

As the Communist Cuban government brutally suppresses protests in the streets, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins those who deplore Marxism in all its forms to demand an end to the country’s communist dictatorship. The time has come to rally around the abandoned Cuban people that have suffered … Read more

Why Leftists Keep Backing Cuba’s Communist Regime

The way the world treats Cuba is a mystery. There is no other way to describe it. Any ruthless military dictatorship should be denounced and ostracized. In the case of Cuba, there can be no excuse for failing to condemn its human rights abuses and or expose its socialist-driven poverty. Its rabid persecution of the … Read more