On the day after the 2024 election, the ‘center-left” media outlet CNN headlined, “What Just Happened? It was the Economy, Stupid.” ABC echoed, “Deep Economic Discontent with Biden Drove Voters to Trump.”
Economic hardship may have convinced many “undecided” voters to overlook their qualms about Mr. Trump and vote for him.
However, other much more profound issues played a role in the victory. There are seven lessons to be learned from the elections that go far beyond the pocketbook.
1. America Wants New Leadership
A restoration cannot be accomplished solely by removing bad laws and failing programs. It will not happen by promising free benefits, tax cuts or other assistance. The election showed that people want new leadership that can change the direction of the country and lead the way back to common sense and stability.
This attitude was reflected in the debate. People did not want platitudes but leadership.
2. We Want (and Need) God!
The left hates it, but there are “Ten Commandment” Americans who are an essential part of the public and have a special attachment to all things pertaining to God and His Law.
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One candidate welcomed references to God, prayer and Scripture throughout the presidential election. The other candidate did not embrace this message. The results show that religion still resonates with the American public. It is time to bring Our Lord back into the center of American Life.
3. Politics Cannot Replace Families
The traditional family is the basis of all order in society. God created the family to meet each person’s most basic needs. Children learn basic lessons at their mothers’ knees. Fathers teach their offspring to work and support themselves. Parents teach children to love God and His Law.
The election was all about families. It was a dispute between two visions of the family. One vision saw “family” as whatever individuals decide they want it to be, thus leading to abortion, broken unions, classroom failures and ineffective social welfare programs. The other vision adhered more to the traditional union of a man and a woman directed toward the upbringing of offspring.
It is time to abandon the fallacy that the government knows best for the family.
4. The Permissive Society Destroys Everything
For too many years, leftists in government, academia and the media have misrepresented morality as repression and tyranny.
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The ruins of that premise lie everywhere in a society that is falling apart. This revolution inside society is pushing everything—identity, sexuality and behavior—to ever greater violence and radicalism.
This election questioned these premises and promises of the permissive society.
5. You Can’t Preach Unity While Sowing Division
Unity is one of humanity’s deepest desires. Leftists use the word as a club, swinging it at anyone who exposes their false premises. It becomes a wedge in their hands, promoting division and, ultimately, despair.
Thus, the left sows discord by introducing divisive behaviors, aberrant lifestyles and identity politics. It uses the word unity to impose these ideas upon the public, which does not want these things shoved down their throats.
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The election highlighted the rejection of agendas that Americans do not share.
6. The Government Exists to Promote the Common Good
The fundamental task of government is to promote the common good. Unfortunately, government policy often abandons that role by promoting things that are neither common nor good.
Identity politics creates divisions and resentment. Using the class struggle narrative of the oppressed versus the oppressors, these leftist policies do not seek to unite people in good but to divide them.
7. The State Must Not Dominate
The election might be seen as a protest against the government intruding into everyone’s daily lives. It censors words that offend their “woke” presumptions. Public health excuses limitations on certain foods and drinks. Child welfare often deliberately dilutes parental authority and can lead to “gender-affirming” mutations. Concern for “the environment” limits legitimate land use and promotes “sustainable energy.”
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These policies have gone too far and are oppressing law-abiding citizens.
There are some lessons from the November elections. Will the politicians on both sides learn anything from them?
The wholesale rejection of so many leftist ideas should give political leaders an idea of what Americans do not want. Much prayer and effort are needed if America is to return to order.
Photo Credit: © rarrarorro – stock.adobe.com
Updated November 15, 2024.