What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

Return to Order What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? 2

In looking at the debate over immigration, it is almost automatically assumed that the Church’s position is one of unconditional charity toward those who enter the nation, legally or illegally. However, is this the case? What does the Bible say about immigration? What do Church doctors and theologians say? Above all, what does the greatest … Read more

My “Return to Order” Moment in Charleston

Return to Order My “Return to Order” Moment in Charleston

I don’t remember when the expression was coined but it started to appear a bit after the book Return to Order was published. I would find myself in situations where I could observe obvious examples of the book’s theoretical principles in daily life. When I would describe these incidents to others, people very naturally started … Read more

Return to Order on the Streets of Ireland

Return to Order Return to Order on the Streets of Ireland 3

Written by Ted Huerena. During the month of June, members of the Irish Society for Christian Civilization were on the streets of major cities throughout Ireland promoting the message of the award-winning book, Return to Order by John Horvat II. They were joined by young volunteers from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, … Read more

Hotel #341

Return to Order Hotel #341

During some recent travel, I chanced to stay in a brand new hotel near a major American city. There was nothing extraordinary about the place. I had no complaints. The hotel was comfortable and clean and these are evidently things that must be appreciated. However, what bothered me was the fact that it was not … Read more

Book Review: Why Place Matters

Return to Order Seven Ways to Apply Return to Order: The Role of the Beautiful 1

Why Place Matters: Geography, Identity, and Civic Life in Modern America by Wilfred M. McClay and Ted V. McAllister, eds., (New York: Encounter Books, 2014) In any collection of essays, the most important objective is choosing the right topic that will open up and stimulate further discussion. The contributors on their part must represent diverse … Read more

Piketty’s Tower of Jell-O

Return to Order Piketty's Tower of Jell-O

It was with some delight that I read the introduction of Thomas Piketty’s book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Right from the beginning, he announced that he would not be bound by “the childish passion for mathematics.” Rather, his approach would include the social sciences since “economics should never have sought to divorce itself from … Read more

When Cell Phone Conversations Go Public

Return to Order The Paradox of Being Alone Together

During recent travels, a colleague and I pulled into a gas station to get fuel and stretch our legs. It was a gas station like so many thousands across the country without anything extraordinary about it. However, as we returned to the car, we noticed a middle-aged woman speaking on what appeared to be an … Read more

A True (and Refreshing) Definition of Law

Return to Order Where Did Lawyers Come From?

It is no secret that the present system of law is in crisis. The judiciary legislates from the bench. The executive branch disregards laws it does not wish to enforce. The legislative branch enacts massive laws with accompanying regulations. Above all, there is no standard against which to measure law or insure accountability. Law becomes … Read more

The Model of Life Proposed by Advertising

Return to Order The Model of Life Proposed by Advertising

The modern world was founded on the myth of maximum production and consumption. It installs technology as a means to ensure collective survival, allow more efficient control of life and provide solutions to all problems. Through the use of advertising, it proposes a utopia which is actually unattainable in this vale of tears. Nevertheless, sociologist … Read more