Return to Order on the Streets of Ireland

DSC_2657Written by Ted Huerena.

During the month of June, members of the Irish Society for Christian Civilization were on the streets of major cities throughout Ireland promoting the message of the award-winning book, Return to Order by John Horvat II. They were joined by young volunteers from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).

The campaign involved the passing out of a flyer which commemorated the millennial anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf, a type war of independence from the Vikings. The flyer likened the struggle of that time with the present Cultural War now being waged against Christian values in Ireland. This cultural war might well be called a Battle of Clontarf II.

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DSC_2913The flyer offered a free copy of a booklet that explains the importance of the principles of Catholic Society and the need for a return to them. The reader is then invited to obtain the book, Return to Order.  The campaigns, complete with bagpipes and drums were well received by the Irish public.


