Video Trailer: Is America Worth Fighting for?

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Is America worth fighting for? That is the question addressed by a special video that outlines the challenges now facing America. The video points out those things that make America great—its vast panoramas, massive economic power and indomitable spirit of enterprise. However, the nation must now deal with threats like the towering weight of debt … Read more

American Law Is Based on Higher Law

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There are those who say that American law is based only on what legislators determine it to be and what judges interpret it to mean. They claim that enacted or positive law is the only real basis for law in the United States. However, this is not the American tradition. The foundation of the American … Read more

Corporate Welfare: An Attack on the Free Market

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The ability of huge companies to secure massive government contracts through lobbying and cronyism is not a development of the free market but a distortion of it. It is a kind of corporate welfare that ends up redistributing wealth not creating it. Scholar Samuel Gregg explains that crony deals redistribute “risk in a given society … Read more

The Problem With Local Currencies

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Many have suggested the use of local or even competing currencies as a solution to the present economic crisis. Such currencies would provide flexibility and aid local economies. While historically local currencies have benefited some localities, they do not always work. The problem is not always economic but rather in the manner in which they … Read more

Why I Side with the One Percent

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Amid all the talk about economic inequality, I unabashedly take the side of the one percent. I know it may not be a popular position but I nevertheless feel an obligation to make it known. Mind you, my defense of the one percent is balanced. I do not necessarily think they should be paid more … Read more

The Terrifying World of the Individualist

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To the individualist, the world is a mere vehicle used for the pursuit of personal happiness. Life has no greater or transcendent meaning. It is all about personal gratification. In the words of Alasdair Macintryre, this world is nothing but “a meeting place for individual wills, each with its own set of attitudes and preferences … Read more

The Reality of an Economic Crisis

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There are many who judge the health of the economy on the basis of the stock market. With markets reaching record highs, some see this as a sign of an ever-illusive “economic recovery.” However, such criteria can be deceptive. There are a host of other indicators that reveal that things are getting worse – and … Read more

TFP Pro-life Event: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

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Written By Preston Noell On January 23, the day after the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Tradition, Family and Property Washington Bureau held its “traditional pro-life reception” with remarks by John Horvat on the topic of “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother: The Key to Bringing America Back to Order.” Each year, … Read more

I Am an Algorithm

In the ever-increasing frenzy to increase purchases, has announced that it now wants to ship packages before they are ordered. The Seattle retail giant is developing a patented process known as “anticipatory shipping,” which aims to start the delivery of packages based on previous orders, product searches, shopping-cart choices, wish lists and even how … Read more

The Real Origins of the Industrial Revolution

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Historically, the Industrial Revolution is said to have started in England from 1760 to 1840. However, many historians recognize that the real origins go back much further to medieval times. The medieval spirit of technological innovation was highly developed and set in motion processes that later gave rise to the changes that are associated with … Read more