A Return to Roots in Kansas

Return to Order Summer Academy in Poland Affirms a Return to Order 1

A return to order means a return to our roots. As a native Kansan, my recent book tour in the state represented something of this return. The late September weekend visit represented a homecoming of sorts since it served to help recall examples of many of the topics discussed in the book, Return to Order. … Read more

Raising Red Flags Over America

Return to Order Raising Red Flags Over America 1

The Navy Yard shootings has reignited the controversy over guns in society. Once again, people are pondering over what went wrong. Many have asked why the behavior of this shooter and others has failed to raise red flags that might have alerted authorities and prevented the tragedies. The shooting incidents should indeed raise red flags … Read more

Land Holdings in the Middle Ages

Return to Order Land Holdings in the Middle Ages 1

There is often the misconception that the medieval peasant had hardly any land upon which to make a living. Such a perception runs counter to the truth. The actual size of his holdings was rather large especially for the time. Author P. Boissonade notes that these holdings varied according to the fertility of the land. He … Read more

Seven Ways to Apply Return to Order: The Role of the Beautiful

Return to Order Seven Ways to Apply Return to Order: The Role of the Beautiful 1

The book, Return to Order, describes how economy should not only satisfy physical needs, but also spiritual needs such as our appetite for beauty. In this way, both body and soul are satisfied. In addition, society as a whole benefits and culture develops. Thus, beauty and utility are complementary qualities in an economy. When goods … Read more

Return to Order Goes to Washington

Return to Order Return to Order Hits the Streets 2

TFP Student Action volunteers began the morning of Monday September 16 with the usual preparations for departure, assuring all materials were in place for a day of promoting Return to Order by John Horvat II at George Washington University in the nation’s capital. However, several factors assured it would be no ordinary day of campaigning … Read more

Horvat Interview on JMJ Catholic Radio 750AM

Return to Order A Reading by John Horvat for the York Book Expo

Jerome Gilmartin interviews John Horvat on JMJ Catholic Radio 750AM in Scranton, Penn. about his book Return to Order. Divided into four parts for a total of two hours it was broadcast over the following weeks. Please Click the Links below for each segment. The audio file will open using Windows Media Player on your … Read more

Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders?

Return to Order Why Do We Punish Our Natural Leaders? 1

In our socialistic society, the trend is to punish those who lead and provide for society by subjecting their efforts to excessive regulation or taxes. At the same time, our egalitarian culture tends to discourage natural leaders by presenting unrepresentative characters as role models. Finally communities are decreasingly able to identify and support natural local … Read more

Unfriending Facebook

Facebook is a poster child of our postmodern economy. It is one of those “fun” companies that breaks all the rules, smashes traditional hierarchies and lets its employees exercise their creativity without all the restrictions of times past. And it seems to work fabulously. With interns reportedly earning as much $74,000 a year and many … Read more

What’s Really Wrong with Our Economy?

Return to Order How Money Should Be an Expression of Culture 2

The debate over what’s really wrong with our economy seems irreconcilably divided into two camps. On one side you have those who claim everything will be all right if we could just get big government out of our economy. On the other side, the Paul Krugmans of the world are shouting all the louder: get … Read more

What is Authentic Progress?

Return to Order An Organic Christian Society Is Born―it is Never Planned 3

What is authentic progress? The book, Revolution and Counter-revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gives some excellent insight as to what authentic progress is. He writes:   “In its material aspect, genuine progress consists in the rightful use of the forces of nature according to the law of God, for the service of man. … Read more