Death by Regulation

Return to Order Death by Regulation 2

Some people wonder why it is so hard to do business in America.   One reason is the massive wave of regulation that has engulfed many industries over the last few years. One prime example is the 848-page Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of July 2010 (also called the Dodd-Frank Act). It is … Read more

Praise for Return to Order Talk

Return to Order Praise for Return to Order Talk

I fear that good-hearted, Christian, family-loving folks have almost lost sight of what is truly important in our human journey. John Horvat hasn’t forgotten. Mr. John Horvat graced our group, Tea Party Patriots of Southern New Jersey, last month at an event in Cape May Court House, New Jersey. He explained with amazing clarity “where … Read more

Book Review: Return to Order

Return to Order Book Review: Return to Order

A review by Philip Beattie Read the full review here  Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society–Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go Author: John Horvat II  Publisher: York Press. 2013. 400 pp. York Press, $21.95   “Order is the first need of the soul” Russell Kirk. Given that … Read more

What Does An Organic Neighborhood Look Like?

Return to Order The Marvelous World of Our Lady’s Flowers 3

Many people ask what an organic society would look like. They want to know how and where people would live. They want concrete examples of neighborhoods and towns that embody the organic principles that are expounded in Return to Order. They would be surprised to learn that some of these principles are still alive and … Read more

Escaping Economic Frenzy

Return to Order Escaping Economic Frenzy

By Robert Stacy McCain. America has been on a “never-ending party cruise” for decades, according to John Horvat II, and the economic crash of 2008 was evidence that the hedonistic pursuit of consumer thrills cannot continue indefinitely. In this sense, our $17 trillion-dollar national debt stands as an indictment not merely of our federal government, … Read more

From the Mail: Why Amazon?

Return to Order Win a Kindle Fire for Your Thoughts…

Several readers have asked why we allow Return to Order, the quintessential book denouncing frenetic intemperance, to be carried on Amazon and even use the firm as a means of distribution. It would seem a contradiction to utilize this frenzied company which also supports all sorts of liberal causes. Indeed, Amazon embodies so much of … Read more

A Return to Order Weekend in Kansas

Return to Order A Return to Order Weekend in Kansas 1

Written by Gary Isbel. As part of the campaign to spread the ideas found in the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go, author John Horvat visited his native Kansas on April 27-30. On April 27, he … Read more

From the Mail: How Do You Prepare for the Storm?

Return to Order “Don’t Abandon the Ship in a Storm…” 2

One of the major presuppositions of the book, Return to Order, is that we are facing a crisis that will seriously affect the nation. To use the book’s opening metaphor, our situation is like that of a ship facing a threatening storm. The natural tendency is to take measures and especially stock up on supplies. … Read more

The Dangers of the Word “Capitalism”

Return to Order The Dangers of the Word “Capitalism” 2

Jesuit Fr. Bernard Dempsey warns against the use of the word “capitalism” in economic debate. The principal reason is that there is really no such thing as capitalism. He claims the word cannot be defined scientifically and really only exists in a Marxist dream world. F.A. Hayak declared that the word is largely the “creation … Read more

Promoting More Agility in Economy

Return to Order The Coming of Soulless Medicine

It is a popular myth that the huge pharmaceutical companies are the only ones with the resources to develop new drugs. Gigantic research labs and fat budgets will always trump the little guy. But that is not what is happening. Major pharmaceuticals are increasingly looking outside their in-house labs to find promising drugs. In fact, … Read more