Return to Order at the Gun Show

Return to Order Return to Order at the Gun Show 2

Written by Francis Slobodnik About the last thing most people would expect among the thousand vender tables at the Kansas City Gun Show was a table with the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go. However, the … Read more

Return to Order at Berks County Meeting

Return to Order New Video: A Look at Return to Order

Written by Keith Douet   Speaking about the present economic crisis, author John Horvat II was the guest at the Berks County Tea Party meeting in Reading, Penn. on June 13. He spoke on the topic, “The Ten Steps to Prepare for America’s Economic Collapse” based on considerations from the book, Return to Order: From … Read more

Return to Order Hits the Streets

Return to Order Return to Order Hits the Streets 2

By Gary Isbell The concept of organic Christian society is now being found in a most unlikely place – the frenzied centers of business and industry. Young volunteers of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) are out on the streets of Chicago and New York. Their efforts are part … Read more

Mammy’s: The Real Cracker Barrel

Return to Order Mammy's: The Real Cracker Barrel 1

Written by Norman Fulkerson* In an ever changing world one thing seems to always remain the same, a meal at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. It is perhaps that universal sameness, both in food and décor, which always leaves me a bit disappointed. While the artifacts that hang on the walls are authentic they have … Read more

Big Government Doesn’t Just Happen

Return to Order Big Government Doesn’t Just Happen 1

There are many who complain that big government is the root of all our problems. If we could but rid ourselves of its intrusive presence in our lives, things would be much better. Everyone complains about the effects of big government but few look at its cause.   Free Book: Return to Order: From a … Read more

Repaying a Debt to the Library

Return to Order Repaying a Debt to the Library 2

I make frequently use of the local library when working on the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to Go.   During the course of my research, I had to find books that had long been unpublished. These … Read more

Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor

Return to Order Economic Consequences of Stolen Honor 1

Honor, as it is so well defined in the book, Return to Order, by John Horvat, conveys the idea of an “authentic esteem given to all that is excellent in a social atmosphere of respect, affection and courtesy.”[1] It is something that cannot be bought and sold and it spreads an atmosphere of tranquility that … Read more

The Twilight of Honor

by John Horvat II. The current climate of scandals streaks across the political landscape of the nation like a tornado that leaves a trail of devastation in its wake. However, unlike a tornado, this is not a chance happening that appears upon the scene but rather an uncovering that reveals a disturbing rottenness. What we … Read more

The Unlikely Buyer Buys Return to Order

Return to Order is a book that embraces a broad range of themes that people are thinking about. Sometimes, I am surprised by people who express interest in the book out of the blue. They seem to be waiting for the book. Recently, I was talking with a man from California on the phone about … Read more

The Unlimited Extent of Keynesian Economics

Return to Order The Unlimited Extent of Keynesian Economics 2

Many people think that John Keynes’ economic theories were mere guidelines to stimulate growth and control inflation and unemployment. Yet it seems that Keynes’ outlook was much broader. Scholar Samuel Gregg unmasked the full extent of Keynesian economics in the following passage of his book: “Keynes was not content to limit the ends of this … Read more