Cardinal Gregory: Does Sin Still Matter?

Over Thanksgiving weekend, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C. went to Rome to receive a cardinal’s hat. His Eminence will henceforth be known as Cardinal Gregory, as he exercises an office that carries with it great responsibility. His elevation to cardinal coincides with the possible elevation of Joseph Biden to the presidency of the United … Read more

Stunning Link Between Fatima and the 2020 General Election

Among conservatives, the 2020 elections had the best intentions of defending vaguely Christian principles in an aggressive neo-pagan world. Neither side entirely prevailed. Indeed, the nation’s county-electoral map remains the same vast red rural sea with urban islands of blue that first appeared in the Presidential election of 2000. Such has been the course of … Read more

The Real Issue at the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings

Everyone knows the Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings are not about Amy Coney Barrett, her qualifications or the Constitution. Of course, everyone goes through the theatrics of what the hearings are supposed to be. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s liberal members will dutifully cast themselves as the Constitution’s guardians. They will dramatically insist that the nominee … Read more

The Abortionist Mentality Descends from Hitler

On December 5, 1943, when Nazi Germany was on the cusp of defeat, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira wrote an article analyzing the National Socialist regime’s mentality. He predicted that even after the fall of the Third Reich, this Nazi mentality, which he called the Attila mentality, would continue. One manifestation would be the abortionist … Read more

Why a Pro-Abortion Columnist Says the Movement Is in Tatters

It is always good to listen when pro-abortion feminists speak frankly about the state of their movement. It reveals the weakness of the other side and helps dispel the illusion of liberal invincibility. A recent op-ed in the British daily, The Guardian, is an eye-opener. The author is Jessa Crispin, a U.S. correspondent for the paper and a … Read more

A Leftist Conundrum: Who Could Possibly be Young and Pro-life?

The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) conducts polling about the role of religion in American life. Its stated purpose is to be “a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy.” Its partnerships with The Atlantic and the Brookings Institution would place its political orientation as … Read more

Keeping God’s Law at the Center of the Fight for America

On the occasion of this 47th annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins the multitudes of Americans nationwide who will be raising their voices to oppose the slaughter of innocent human life through abortion. We share the apprehensions of pro-lifers everywhere as the nation faces … Read more