Chinese Youth Suffer Spiritual Affliction Worse than COVID

Chinese young people living under communism suffer from a cruel spiritual affliction far worse than the Covid virus. The anguish strikes at the core of the anti-natural Marxist system. It is called neijuan (内卷) in Chinese. The word means an uneasy inward rolling action. Many of China’s millennials and Gen Z feel the word expresses … Read more

Making Sense of the Chaos that is Destroying America

This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the breakup of the Soviet Union, the world’s first communist state. In 1991, the Western world was euphoric at the supposed “death” of communism and the end of the Cold War. The suddenness with which both the USSR and the Berlin Wall fell led some observers to believe … Read more

America Must Go Beyond Wishful Thinking About China

America and the West’s policy of “constructive engagement” with Communist China make up the most egregious case of wishful thinking in history. For almost fifty years, the West pumped trillions of dollars into the Chinese experiment and now has little to show for it except a much stronger China. Fortunately, many Americans are now waking … Read more

The Great Reset ‘Feeds Secularization’ and Paves Way for ‘De-Christianized Society’

The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative will communize capitalism, technocratize society, feed secularization, and pave the way for a de-Christianized world, Italian philosophy professor Renato Cristin has warned. The proposal, backed by world leaders and which aims to create a more sustainable future and build solidarity after the coronavirus crisis, would “exacerbate” the current … Read more

Is Dorothy Day Another of Joe Biden’s Heroes?

In an earlier article, we pointed out how an American-style “Catholic-communism” has taken up residence in the Oval Office with the election of Joe Biden. There is now a growing symbiosis between the religious and political spheres in the United States. Starting with the President, an increasing number of leftist Democratic leaders are flaunting their … Read more

How Liberals Turned Freedom into Tyranny

  Ryszard Legutko knows about freedom. He experienced a lack of freedom when his native Poland was under communism, and the State controlled everything. He felt the exhilaration of liberation when the captive nation was freed in 1989. And now he senses the suffocating climate of freedom’s suppression by ideologues that proclaim freedom yet deliver … Read more

Green Madness Tries to Destroy the Netherlands

In early 2020, I had the honor of editing the book Green is the New Red, which was put together by a study committee of the Civitas Christiana Foundation. We sought to denounce the environmentalist maneuvers and help the Netherlands face the threats that, in the name of ecology, daily menace the sectors that still … Read more

The Marxist and Satanist Roots of the Current Crisis

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of socialism….We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it we will.” Many Americans heard this quotation from Alexander Trachtenberg – … Read more