How Communist China Infiltrates American Universities

On July 17, 2020, Attorney-General William Barr gave a speech about the Chinese threat at the Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Attorney-General’s choice of location was ironic, in that Gerald Ford’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, was the architect of the existing U.S-China relationship. Mr. Barr did not mince words in exposing … Read more

The Anti-Family Attack against the “Racist” Cracker Barrel

In 1966, Mao Zedong launched his “Cultural Revolution.” He decided that Red China’s greatest enemy was tradition. He made war on what he called “The Four Olds.” These consisted of old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits. It seems the left in America is borrowing Mao’s old ideas. In the name of changing … Read more

How Saint Michael Saved This U.S. Marine


This is the true story of a Marine wounded in Korea in 1950. Writing to his mother, he told her of a fascinating encounter he experienced in the war. Father Walter Muldy, a U.S. Navy chaplain who spoke to the young Marine and his mother as well as to the outfit commander, always affirmed the … Read more

It Is Dangerous to Trade with Chinese God-Haters

Recent news reports reveal that communist authorities are demolishing Catholic churches and shrines in China. All this is happening despite communist propaganda assuring outsiders that religion can be freely practiced in China. Western observers thought that if they could just wish hard enough and offer concessions, the Chinese leadership would change for the better. Red Chinese … Read more

Why Is Socialism Still Popular?

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If ever there was a set of ideas that has been tried and found lacking, it is socialism. It has been tried on every continent. It has been tried in weak nations and strong. It has been tried in primitive countries and those which are highly developed. The most striking thing about socialism is that … Read more

Charlottesville: A Clash of False Alternatives

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The events in Charlottesville have shaken the nation, and many have rightly condemned the violence at the August 12 protest that resulted in one tragic death and many wounded. Some were hesitant to make a sweeping condemnation pointing to the violence of the counter-protesters as a factor that must also be considered. Others feared that the … Read more

Why the Totalitarian Temptation Lives On After the Berlin Wall

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“Happy the man that understands the causes of things,” wrote Virgil. Polish philosopher Ryszard Legutko, who is also a Member of the European Parliament, is one of those deep thinkers who likes to get to the root of matters. He is not content with superficial observations or political platitudes. In his new book, The Demon … Read more