Return to Order: A Book That Describes the Society We Long For

Return to Order: A Book That Describes the Society We Long For

The following article is the foreword of the Portuguese edition of John Horvat’s book, Return to Order. The author is His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza. The outspoken Prince introduces the book to the Brazilian public with observations that will also prove helpful to other readers. *          *          * I am pleased to present the … Read more

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Some traditional-minded Americans use a horrible metaphor to describe an outcome they desire for the nation. The metaphor is divorce, and the outcome is a separation of a State from the American Union. Proposing a national divorce is like demanding a figurative abortion for some unwanted social problem. Divorce and abortion are never solutions, literally … Read more

On the Need for Economic Imagination

On the Need for Economic Imagination

Modern man suffers from an acute lack of economic imagination. The tendency is to think only in terms of the free market and the State as the economic engines that keep society going. Thus, libertarians have long favored the free market as the principal solution to modern woes. Socialists consider the State to be the … Read more

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

People love to attack every type of false elite. Whether it be power, Hollywood, beltway and coastal elites, they all inhabit different swamps and use their influence to gain control. The populists point to these elites as the cause of many problems afflicting the nation. Throw them out! they cry, pitchforks in hand. Of course, … Read more

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

As the midterms fade away, most conservatives are left feeling uneasy about the results. The pundits and media have had their day in explaining why the Republicans did so poorly. Fingers pointed everywhere with all sorts of accusations, credible and farfetched. No one is completely happy with the explanations. However, one factor weighs heavily upon … Read more

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

There is no doubt that humanity has benefitted from many advances that modernity has brought to the world. However, along with these benefits, modernity has also caused suffering, destruction, and loss of lives. These negative factors are now reaching crisis proportions and polarizing the nation as we search for solutions. As a result of this … Read more

America Faces Problems that Refuse to Be Left Behind

America Faces Problems that Refuse to Be Left Behind

The philosopher George Santayana (1863—1952) once observed that we Americans don’t solve problems; we leave them behind. If there’s an idea we don’t like, we don’t bother refuting it but simply talk about something else, and the original idea dies from neglect. We leave the problems that bother us in the past rather than confront … Read more

12 Million Fatherless Boys Need Urgent Rescue From Calamity

An army of twelve million boys is roaming the nation without their biological fathers. Not all the boys are up to mischief or breaking the law. Some have no fathers due to death or misfortune. However, most are the products of irregular unions, broken families and abandonment. Thus, the overwhelming majority are in conditions that … Read more