On April 7, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) organized and prayed a rosary of reparation outside the gates of the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. They were protesting the recently revealed writings of Prof. Tat-Siong Benny Liew, head of the college’s New Testament Studies Department.
According to The Fenwick Review, Prof. Liew has written that Our Lord was a “drag king,” a “cross-dresser,” and a man with “queer desires.” He further claims there are erotic aspects in the relationship between the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity, Our Lord’s healing of the Centurion’s servant, His washing of the feet of the Apostles, and the Crucifixion. Although the college made two statements in defense of the professor deeming him as a man of faith, the Bishop of Worcester, Most Rev. Robert J. McManus declared Liew’s Gospel interpretations to be “false,” “perverse,” and “blasphemous.”
So far, Prof. Liew has not renounced his blasphemous statements.
TFP Student Action launched an online petition against the professor which garnered over 17,000 signatures calling for his removal and asking the College to apologize.
Rosary Rally of Reparation

Before the rally in front of the college, TFP Student Action director, John Ritchie said that he received two calls. One was from a student assuring him that there would be a counter protest. The second call was from the college reiterating that all have the right to come and publicly voice their concerns.
The rosary began at 11:00 AM with twenty-seven TFP volunteers. Gradually more people arrived, a majority of them Worcester locals who were indignant with Prof. Liew’s gross and inappropriate statements. There were over a hundred concerned Catholics present at the rally. A few dozen counter protesters appeared.
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Holy Cross Student’s Sign: I Heart my “Drag” Jesus

A Catholic college should teach respect for the Most Holy Rosary. Apparently this was not the case for some students at Holy Cross. As the rosary was being prayed and religious hymns sung, angry students favorable to Prof. Liew’s position shouted odd slogans like, “Education!” and “Love thy Neighbor!” along with “God is not a bigot!” and “Who are you to judge!” Blasphemy is not educational or worthy of respect.
When those praying the rosary exclaimed “Reparation!” after each decade, one student shouted, “We don’t want reparation!”
Among the signs of the counter protesters was one that stated, “I heart my ‘Drag’ Jesus.” One student was seen leading the chant, “What do I study? Blasphemy! When do I study it? All the time! Where do I study it? Right here at the Cross!” as she pointed towards the college. It was sad to see that such students are so aggressively willing to defend the blasphemous positions of a professor rather than the dignity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
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“Our Lord’s honor and purity are being stained here at Holy Cross,” stated TFP volunteer Evan Olwell. “It is appalling that a Catholic institution would permit a professor to openly promote such horrendously anti-Catholic ideas,” he continued. Finishing up the rosary he commented, “Whenever Our Lord is under attack, you can count on us to be there to defend and console Him.”