The Dangers of the Word “Capitalism”

Return to Order The Dangers of the Word “Capitalism” 2

Jesuit Fr. Bernard Dempsey warns against the use of the word “capitalism” in economic debate. The principal reason is that there is really no such thing as capitalism. He claims the word cannot be defined scientifically and really only exists in a Marxist dream world. F.A. Hayak declared that the word is largely the “creation … Read more

Promoting More Agility in Economy

Return to Order The Coming of Soulless Medicine

It is a popular myth that the huge pharmaceutical companies are the only ones with the resources to develop new drugs. Gigantic research labs and fat budgets will always trump the little guy. But that is not what is happening. Major pharmaceuticals are increasingly looking outside their in-house labs to find promising drugs. In fact, … Read more

Why We Need Order

Return to Order | Endorsements 5

Here is an interesting quote from Russell Kirk that explains the importance of order: “Without order, justice can rarely be enforced, and freedom cannot be maintained.” Taken from: Russell Kirk, Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics, Arlington House, New Rochelle, N.Y., 1969 p. 256.

When the Human Element is Lost in Business…

Return to Order What Makes a Product “Local?” 3

The recent merger between Safeway and Albertsons is yet one more consolidation of a grocery market with ever fewer players. Observers watching the merger note that the deal represents the classical tension between big and local. Giant Safeway offers more purchasing power and distribution channels. More community-oriented Albertsons, while no mom-and-pop store, gives regional managers … Read more

Author Addresses NJ Tea Party Group

Return to Order Author Addresses NJ Tea Party Group

CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE – On March 18, author John Horvat II addressed a crowd of nearly 50 friends and members of the Tea Party Patriots of Southern New Jersey at the historic county court house in the village of Cape May Court House. Mr. Horvat’s topic of discussion was “Getting to the Core of … Read more

How Modern Law Came to Be

Return to Order How Modern Law Came to Be

According to legal historian Harold Berman, modern law is based on three elements that come from medieval roots: 1. The discovery of the legal writings compiled under the Roman Emperor Justinian and other Roman codes served as the foundation upon which to build a legal system. It provided the basic legal vocabulary. 2. The scholastic … Read more

My Non-Employment Nightmare

Return to Order My Non-Employment Nightmare

For me it was a nightmare. It all happened so quickly. Before I knew it, I lost my job. The manager did not even have the courage to face me. He sent me a text message informing me of the decision and even added the indignity of putting a smiley face figure at the message’s … Read more

A Brutal Pace of Life

Return to Order The Contradiction of Our Frenzied Lifestyles 2

One harsh consequence of our technological society is a mania for speed and novelty. Most early inventions of the Industrial Revolution, whether train, steam ship, or telegraph, celebrated speed more than any other aspect. These new technological advances helped unleash pent-up disordered passions deep inside man that exploded like fireworks and found their expression in … Read more

Return to Order Earns Accolades at Multiple Book Festivals

Return to Order Return to Order Earns Accolades at Multiple Book Festivals

Written by Linda Radke. CHANDLER, AZ (March 2014) – Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society —Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go by John Horvat II has earned Honorable Mentions in the general-nonfiction categories at the 2014 Los Angeles Book Festival, 2014 Great … Read more

Common Core and the War on Literature

Return to Order Common Core and the War on Literature

One of the problems with the program Common Core is that it places little emphasis to the body of Western literature that has endured over the ages. Rather, it favors what it calls “informational” texts that contain neither moral judgments nor beauty. The great conservative writer Russel Kirk summarizes well why a literary tradition is … Read more