Protest Against Catholic Governor of New Mexico Promoting Satanic Abortion Ritual


A “Catholic” governor has published resources referring people to abortion clinics, including a clinic run by “The Satanic Temple,” which practices an abortion ritual.   Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham, of New Mexico, a self-professed Catholic, is an outspoken advocate for abortion. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Gov. Lujan-Grisham lamented the decision, … Read more

Tell Simon & Schuster to Pull Blasphemous Book!


The blasphemous book The Testament of Mary by Colm Toibin is being distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc., and must be stopped! In the 96 page novella is offensive to Christians by re-interpreting the Gospel events as false. The story is given from the point of view of “Mary,” who hates her Son’s teaching and … Read more

Tell American Library Association to Stop Promoting Impurity to Children


The American Library Association (ALA) is helping encourage impurity and gender confusion in minors as young as 2 years old by providing resources to librarians and teachers for the promotion of, training of, and defense of public library Drag Queen Story Hours and impure and obscene gender-fluid books. Please send your protest message to the … Read more

Urge Edith Teter Elementary to Block Satanic Literature —

The Satanic Temple (TST), in connection with the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), has threatened to distribute the Satanic literature to school children to Park County School District for the upcoming school year! FFRF and TST recently learned that a group was distributing Bibles to school children of the Edith Teter Elementary School, in Colorado. … Read more

Sign Petition Demanding Football Teams Stop Promoting Homosexual Sin


The Buffalo Bills football team, from Buffalo New York, is sponsoring an outright pro-homosexual group. The National Football League team announced on Tuesday, June 18 that it will support the pro-homosexual flag football group, “National Gay Flag Football League” (NGFFL). According to a statement from the Buffalo Bill website: “The Buffalo Bills are proud to … Read more

Protest Blasphemous “Pride” Mass to be held at Catholic Church


St. Joseph Catholic Church in Maplewood, New Jersey, is planning a sacrilegious “Pride Mass” on Sunday, June 23! This is a blasphemy to Saint Joseph, the chaste foster-father of Christ, and a grave offense against the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the month of June. A “Pride Mass” is often held in June, and is … Read more

Protest Against Walmart’s Promotion of Homosexual Sin


  Walmart is going all out in its promotion of “Pride Month,” complete with a whole line of children’s products. On Memorial Day weekend 2024, Walmart released a video ad on its Instagram page featuring homosexual and cross-dressing “couples” talking about their favorite “pride” products at Walmart.  To back this up, Walmart’s online store features … Read more

Protest Against Targets Homosexual and “Transgender” Products —

In early May, 2024, Target announced that it will be selling “pride” (i.e. pro-homosexual) merchandise in select stores. But, Target is acting cautiously to avoid the boycotts and protests that happened last year. According to reports: “Target is cutting back on the number of its stores that will car[r]y Pride Month-related merchandise in June, a … Read more

Protest Against Pro-Abort Governor at Catholic School —


St. John’s Preparatory School, an elite, all-boys Catholic institution in Massachusetts, gave an official tour a pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politician. To make matters worse, the school gave a write-up of the event which praised the visit. Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts, a self-professed “Catholic” and open homosexual, toured and spoke to student groups at the … Read more